New Session Coach to Club Coach conversion course
Are you a Session Coach who is ready to develop further? Then the new conversion course from Session Coach to Club Coach might be perfect for you

The first Session Coach training at Durham Amateur Rowing Club (c) James Andrews
British Rowing has developed a new conversion course from Session Coach to Club Coach in response to feedback from Session Coaches who are keen to develop their coaching further.
The first conversion course was held on 29 October in Reading and was enthusiastically received.
Lara Brock coaches junior girls at Great Marlow School and said: “The practical aspects of the course helped hone our rigging skills a lot faster than a lecture would have done.”
She added, “It was a great opportunity to network with coaches from other clubs and think about different coaching techniques.”
Nick Rowley, a junior coach at Abingdon RC agreed, commenting: “An excellent and thoroughly enjoyable course, given this was its first outing, with additional benefits coming from relationships built and experiences shared.
“I would recommend this course for others wanting to take an active role in club or school coaching of rowers of varying levels of ability.”
Session Coach was introduced last year and is proving very popular. Forty courses have been held with 326 coaches now qualified to coach on a learn-to-row course or an occasional session at their club.
“I would recommend this course for others wanting to take an active role in club or school coaching of rowers of varying levels of ability”
An important element of each British Rowing course is exploring ‘how to coach’. Coaches are inspired to challenge themselves and to try different coaching methods in a safe environment, while considering the individual needs of the group that they are coaching.
The Club Coach course further develops the coaches’ expertise in delivering linked and progressive sessions.
Session Coach to Club Coach course details
A two day face-to-face course is followed by coaching practice in your usual coaching environment where you will plan, deliver and review six linked and progressive sessions culminating in an independent assessment.
The next course is for fixed seat coaches and is in February 2018 on Hayling Island, Hampshire. There are 12 places available. Cost is £335.
Learners wishing to attend will need to complete a Man Overboard course before the start of the Session Coach to Club Coach Course as well as a Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop and First Aid Training before their final independent assessment.
Both are available either through [email protected] or through your local County Sports Partnership.
Request a course in your area
We plan courses to meet demand and coaches can request a course by emailing the British Rowing Education and Training Team at [email protected] or by visiting the Request a Course area of our website.
You can see which British Rowing coaching courses are coming up here.