Tideway Code updated
The Port of London Authority has published the second edition of the Tideway Code (2024), which is essential reading for crews based on the Tideway as well as those who visit it to race or train

This edition has been revised and updated in collaboration with the Thames Regional Rowing Council and Paddle UK to provide a current Code of Practice for rowing and paddling on the tidal Thames.
The objective of the Code is to provide rowers and paddlers with a single comprehensive source of information on best practice when navigating the tidal Thames.
Changes to the Code include:
- Updates to the qualification route for Stand-Up Paddleboard users
- Ebb Tide Warning System explanations
- Alterations and updates to rowing graphics and general advice to rowers
- General updates to resource links available on the PLA Website and wider relevant information resources elsewhere.
The Tideway is a busy waterway for trade, transport and sport. All river users should ensure that they can cope with the conditions of a bustling tidal river. Activities should be risk assessed and undertaken safely, with appropriate consideration for other river users and good environmental practice.
Safety is enhanced by the application of three fundamental principles:
- Keep a proper lookout
- Know and follow the rules
- Show consideration for others.
Enjoy the river and look after one another afloat.