British Rowing launches Adaptive Rowing Strategy
The 2023-2028 strategic plan aims to increase participation and inclusion of rowers with any type of impairment within rowing club settings

This new British Rowing strategy has been created to promote rowing by making it more accessible and enjoyable for individuals with physical or learning impairments. Working closely with rowing clubs and partners, our goal is to create safe, inclusive, and integrated rowing experiences. It has been developed by members of the Club Adaptive Group, representing the rowing community, along with members of British Rowing staff from the Community and the Paralympic Pathway teams.
Adaptive rowing has been growing organically as a sport for well over two decades, almost entirely thanks to the work of passionate volunteers. The purpose of this strategy is to enable further growth in adaptive rowing by increasing collaboration and defining target activities.
Marieke Hagemans, Director of Membership and Community, said, “I’m really excited about launching our Adaptive Rowing Strategy to help more people, no matter what their abilities, enjoy the amazing benefits of rowing. It’s been fantastic to see volunteers and British Rowing staff coming together to make sure this strategy builds on existing activities as well as setting out clear ambitions around long term growth in the future.”
Mark Dewdney, Chair of the Club Adaptive Group, added, “The Strategy marks a step change in our and British Rowing’s approach to promoting the sport for people with any type of impairment. It’s bold and proactive; we have set ourselves tough particpation targets. If everyone does a little bit towards our goals we should meet them. Please read the Strategy and if you think you can help in anyway please so get in touch!”
Download the Adaptive Rowing Strategy 2023-28
If you or your club would like to get involved, or if you’d like to try adaptive rowing yourself, just contact [email protected].
Join one of our new Adaptive Rowing working groups
One of the objectives if the strategy is to establish working groups to develop specific plans for increasing participation through:
- Adaptive indoor rowing
- Adaptive coastal rowing
- Rowing for those with Neurodivergence
- NHS referral/ rehabilitation.
If you’d like to find out more about any of these, please contact [email protected].