British Rowing launches new coach development support initiatives 

We are delighted to announce our new suite of Coach Development initiatives, aimed at supporting coaches from under-represented groups who will inspire and lead creatively within our sport


The opportunities offered will provide coaches with the experiences, networks and support they need to excel in their coaching role and beyond.

Who is this for?

Our offer is aimed at supporting and understanding coaches at every level, as well as those who are considering becoming a coach. In particular, we want to support women and young people from a non-traditional rowing background. Numbers will be restricted to ensure we are supporting the right people in the right places.

What can coaches expect?

  • A fluid timetable to meet individuals’ needs
  • One to one support from an experienced Coach Developer
  • Money-can’t-buy experiences which will inspire coaches to work creatively
  • Access to a new and exciting network of coaches
  • The chance to experiment and push the boundaries of your coaching practice
  • Opportunities to visit inspiring locations, including our National Training Centre at Caversham
  • A dedicated development budget of up to £1,500, with additional funding available where appropriate, to facilitate these.

How to apply

Applications will open in mid-October 2023.

In preparation for this, we are inviting anyone interested to attend a virtual ‘find out more’ session where they can ask questions, hear more about the details of what we’re offering, and understand the application process.

Please note that these two sessions are duplicates so potential applicants only need to sign up to one. They are restricted to 30 people per session.

Sign up option 1 (17 October: 7.30-8.30pm)

Sign up option 2 (22 October: 2-3pm)

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