Recreational Rowing Strategy: Coaching, equipment and communication
Following a review of recreational rowing activities, British Rowing is pleased to announce its plans for promoting this important and popular part of our sport

Our vision is to develop a vibrant recreational rowing community in every region, welcoming and supporting people of all ages and backgrounds who wish to get on – or back on – the water to enhance their fitness, friendships, wellbeing and skills.
Our three priorities for recreational rowers for the coming year are:
- Coaching – ensuring that British Rowing coaching learning, education and development activities consider the needs of recreational rowers
- Equipment – supporting clubs to use their existing equipment for recreational rowing activities; promoting the Charles Stanley equipment packages; encouraging clubs to share stable boats for recreational events; and expanding the number of stable boats available across England
- Communication – by making recreational rowing activities and pathways easy to find online; and promoting opportunities to take part in tours, fun races and other events.
To support these aims, a new page dedicated to Recreational Rowing has now been added to the British Rowing website.
Visit the Recreational Rowing Page
British Rowing will work with the national Recreational Rowing Committee and clubs across England to deliver the improvements we all want to see. Got a question or need some help in developing recreational rowing at your club? Contact your regional recreational rowing rep or the Recreational Rowing Committee Chairman – details are here.
The Recreational Rowing Strategy: Report and initial action plan 2022-2025
The review highlighted that over 115 British Rowing affiliated clubs offer recreational rowing activities to new, returning and established rowers of all ages.
Clubs who responded to the survey told us they wanted better information, promotion, co-ordination, coaching, support and equipment to grow recreational rowing and enable more people to enjoy the benefit it brings.
Clubs also fed back that our rowing culture and communication must be more inclusive so that people see that rowing is not only about formal competition.