Launch drivers trained at Ardingly RC thanks to donations
Six new volunteers have qualified as RYA II powerboat drivers to provide safety launch support to the club’s training sessions on the reservoir where it is based. Their training was funded by donations from Arnold Clark Community Fund and an anonymous donor.

A club representative explains, “Ardingly RC rows on a lake shared with many other water users. We aim to have a safety launch out with every outing, always with U18s and our Ducklings (not yet assessed as competent to go out unaccompanied), and most winter outings with experienced crews too.
“The pandemic meant we had gone three years without a new batch of volunteers able to undertake the training provided at our Lake by Ardingly Activity Centre. This had put extra strain on those already qualified – we all know how volunteer fatigue is a real factor in club life with folks juggling their own rowing, family, careers, health and real-life as well as volunteering.
“A donation of £1,000 from Arnold Clark Community Fund and a £300 anonymous donation via CAF has funded six new launch drivers to complete their RYA II training this weekend. This is a significant investment in the club and we are all hugely grateful. We pay for the training and in return each new driver commits to volunteering for at least two sessions per month via a rota. Already, one of the experienced drivers has offered the new batch a ‘sit next to Nellie’ session so they can see the difference between their training and real life (including the ‘who has got the petrol can?’ search).”