One Man, One Week, One Million Metre Record
On Saturday, 17 September, Marlow RC masters rower Graeme Gordon completed a personal ‘Million Metre Challenge’ at the club. His goal was to complete 1,000km on a rowing machine in the shortest possible time, which he achieved in 6 days, 12 hours, 4 minutes and 34 seconds.

The challenge was undertaken to raise money for ‘Marlow RowAbililty’, a fundraising initiative launched in 2019 aiming to raise £200,000. The funds are to be used to develop the Club’s water frontage, slipway and outdoor boat storage – making it more accessible and safer for all users.

Graeme rowed from 6am to 11pm each day, eating and sleeping at Marlow RC. he was accompanied during the row by other club members and by many adjudicators to make sure he completed each 10km, and to note the times.
In under seven days, with countless bananas, cakes and protein shakes, invaluable pep talks from Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Professor Greg Whyte OBE, Mike Spracklen OBE and Naomi Riches MBE, and blisters in places we shall not mention… he beat the previous record of 6 days, 14 hours and 29 minutes. An amazing achievement by an amazingly determined man!
Once verified, this feat will earn Graeme the Individual World Record for the distance in the 60-69 age category.
Graeme said: “I fully admit that on many occasions I felt and thought I should stop, but I tried ‘just once more’ each time and kept going. Thanks to a magnificent back up team, we got the record. If anyone wants to break it, they are most welcome – I am happy for them to try!”
Please consider donating if you can to Marlow RowAbility.