Book now for Rocking the Boat 2022 (Friday, 7 October)
Henley Royal Regatta’s Charitable Trust provides funds to encourage and support young people, still receiving education or undergoing training, to row or scull
The theme for the Trust’s Rocking the Boat 2022 online conference is ‘Getting Ahead of the Curve’. Attendees will hear from a variety of speakers on topics including different approaches to fundraising, how to retain your coaches, and how to measure the success of your project. There will be opportunities for group discussions and networking throughout the day.
What do the Trust’s youth rowing programmes really mean for young people? Join the conference to hear the initial findings of PhD research into this topic, as well as insight, life experiences and inspiring success stories as told by youngsters who have participated in their local schemes.
In an ‘Any Questions?’ style session, the panel of experts will include the people who are responsible for raising funds to keep their diverse programmes afloat; they will debate topics raised by the audience on the day, so come prepared with your question and you may be fortunate enough to have it selected and posed to the panel for discussion. Topics to think about include: Sustainability, Fundraising Events, Corporate Sponsorship, using a Professional Fundraiser, Membership Models and Involving your LEA.
The day will begin with an introduction by the Chairman of the Henley Royal Regatta Charitable Trust, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE (five times Olympic champion) and following in his footsteps the Trust is delighted to include as guest speakers two of rowing’s newest successes, a couple of youngsters who qualified to row at Henley Royal Regatta (having only learned to row through a school rowing programme) and now have their eyes set firmly on the Olympics. British Rowing’s Chief Executive Alastair Marks is another guest and will outline how British Rowing plans to support the rowing community across Britain in the future.
The event is online and takes place on Friday, 7 October 2022, starting at 9:30 and ending by 16:30. Tickets are free and but booking is essential.
You can find out more and book here.