Managing COVID-19 Version 14

Following the move to step four of the Government’s relaxation of COVID restrictions, we have updated our guidance to version 14


It’s been great to see so many crews get back on the water this summer both in clubs and at competitions. Whether you’re on the coast, a river, a lake or in the gym I’m sure it’s been great to enjoy the sensation of escape that rowing can bring.

Download the new guidance

Download Version 14

Please note: each update from the last version is highlighted in yellow.

The Government’s move to step 4 of their plan to relax restrictions related to COVID will allow rowing to move a step closer to being back to normal but it’s important we remain conscious of our responsibility to look after each other. There is still a high number of COVID cases and whilst the impact has been lessened by the prevalence of the vaccine, it’s still good common sense for us to continue with a number of the strong practices we have built over the past year. If nothing else, it will help reduce the chances of being ‘pinged’ by the app and being required to self-isolate, potentially missing competitions, learn to row opportunities or other events that you will have prepared a long time for.

For this reason, much of our guidance remains similar with changes to reflect the fact that certain things are now guidance rather than legal requirements. As you make both club and personal decisions over the next few months, I would encourage you to think about your club mates. Some of them may still be in a more vulnerable position having not had the vaccine yet or not being able to receive it. Equally you may find that for some people they are simply a little apprehensive as the restrictions are lifted. Rowing is a welcoming community and I am sure that together, as has been the case throughout the pandemic, we will all be considerate of each other.

We will continue to review the guidance over the coming weeks as more information is available from the Government.

Thank you again to all the volunteers across the country who have been nothing short of magnificent throughout the pandemic. Please do remember to be kind as they look to apply this new guidance in your club and enjoy a great summer of rowing.

Andy Parkinson

Chief Executive Officer | British Rowing

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