Move to Return to Rowing Phase D
Following today’s Government announcement, there have been no specific changes to the UK Government advice for sport and therefore we will proceed cautiously to Phase D from 1 August and continue to review the situation

Following today’s Government announcement, there have been no specific changes to the UK Government advice for sport and therefore we will proceed cautiously to Phase D from 1 August and continue to review the situation
We have carefully considered today’s announcement by the UK Government and have noted that no additional guidance has been issued for the sports sector. For this reason, we are cautiously continuing with our move to Phase D as planned on 1 August.
We would remind clubs of the importance of following both the Government and our advice to keep rowing clubs COVID-Secure. Given the speed of Government announcements in recent days, we also remind clubs that it is vital that their plans are easily reversible so that they are able to respond to any changes at a national or local level quickly.
With the implementation of new local restrictions in a number of areas, clubs should ensure that they adhere to any restrictions that apply to them based on their location. Clubs should also bear in mind that even where they are not in an area with local restrictions, they may have members living in areas with restrictions. With this in mind, clubs may wish to remind these members that they need to follow the local restrictions, which may mean they can’t attend the rowing club.
We will continue to review the situation and may choose to delay the implementation of phases E and F (or even move to a previous phase) if further advice follows from the Government that necessitates this.
Our guidance has been updated (to version 5.1) to reflect the move to phase D as of 1 August: