19 March update on Coronavirus
The following update is in addition to our previous advice which is accessible here: britishrowing.org/coronavirus

🚩 We have consolidated all our advice relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) – to view this and the latest updates, please see britishrowing.org/coronavirus
Advice for Clubs
There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to our Affiliated Clubs as the activities and facilities in each one differ. We recommend that each club reviews their various activities and the associated risk in line with the Government’s advice. British Rowing advises that Affiliated Clubs need to consider:
- reducing the risk profile by:
- limiting or stopping social gatherings;
- limiting or stopping indoor activities;
- considering how many people are required on site to safely deliver any activity;
- enhancing cleaning measures;
- not allowing any visitors;
- considering which of your members may be at higher risk; and
- reducing the group size by:
- staggering training times;
- moving ergos outdoors;
- utilising more cross training at or away from the club.
Moreover, with the Government closing schools across the country from 23 March 2020, this in turn stops school rowing programmes. Clubs with junior rowing programmes need to continue to follow Government advice and guidance set out above.