British Rowing Senior Championships Update
Over 800 responses were received from a wide range of athletes, coaches, umpires, and volunteers with many points of view shared. Read on for an update on the British Rowing Senior Championships

(c) Naomi Baker
In June 2019, consultation on the summer racing calendar with a particular focus on the British Rowing Senior Championships (Senior Championships) was carried out in order to gather the views of the rowing community on the competition calendar and the future date and format of the British Rowing Senior Championships.
Over 800 responses were received from a wide range of athletes, coaches, umpires, and volunteers with many points of view shared, particularly with respect to the future date and format of the British Rowing Senior Championships.
A summary of the results from the survey can be found here.
The outcome of the survey is not conclusive in relation to the future date and format of the competition. As a result, the Organising Committee of the British Rowing Senior Championships requires more time to consider all the options for 2020 and beyond.
The ambition is that a decision will be made and shared by the AGM on Saturday, 12 October, an approach which has the support of the National Competitions Committee and Sport Committee.
Comments on the results of the survey, or any other feedback about that format and date of the British Rowing Senior Championships that is not reflected in the survey results, are welcome and should be emailed to [email protected].
The National Competition Committee is currently looking at the racing calendar to see what, if any, changes are needed and how to maximise the potential for racing at all ages. The results from this survey will help inform this process. Views on the racing calendar are always welcome and can be sent to [email protected].