Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday is on 5 March so why not treat your crew to these classic pancakes from R&R nutritionist Jacqueline Birtwisle? Super tasty with savoury or sweet toppings


Test your flipping skills with these traditional thin pancakes! They’re easy to make and perfect for enjoying with a variety of toppings. Try lemon juice and sugar or honey, or perhaps maple syrup, hazelnut spread, jam or even a thin slice of ham with grated cheese.


125g plain flour
2 eggs
250ml semi-skimmed milk
1tbsp neutral-tasting vegetable oil e.g. rapeseed oil

How to make it

1. Measure the flour into a bowl, make a well in the centre and add the eggs in the middle. Whisk, mixing in the flour and eggs then add about 50ml of the milk. Keep whisking until the mixture is smooth and thick. Gradually add the rest of the milk until the batter has the consistency of thickened single cream.

2. Choose your non-stick frying pan – a 20cm pan will make about eight pancakes. Heat the pan over a medium heat and then wipe it with a spot of oil on kitchen paper.

3. Ladle the batter into the frying pan, tilting it so the mixture spreads evenly across the base. Make sure the pancake is flat with no folds. Cook over the medium heat for about a minute and then flip over. The easiest way to do this is to use a spatula.

4. The pancake should be a golden colour on both sides. Put the pancake onto a plate and repeat the process with the rest of the batter.

5. Choose your toppings, then serve and enjoy!


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