‘Safety Basics’ – the interactive Risk Assessment module

‘Rowing is a sport that has a history of relatively few serious incidents compared to many other sports or activities,’ says British Rowing’s Hon. Rowing Safety Adviser Dr. Clive Killick. ‘Of course, this should not make us complacent…’
British Rowing is delighted to reveal Safety Basics, an engaging, interactive introduction to Risk Assessment – available now on RowHow.
So just how risk aware are you? With activities, quizzes, and the handy five-step approach to risk assessment, the new learning module is the perfect introduction to a fundamental aspect of rowing – safety on and off the water.
‘Our sport involves fast-moving boats, operating on a wide variety of waterways, often shared with other water users and sometimes in poor weather conditions,’ Dr. Killick continues. ‘There is always the potential for serious injury, illness, or even death if we do not respect the risks that are around us.
‘With this in mind, the Safety Basics Risk Assessment module has been developed to help everyone become aware of risks and to ensure that they are doing enough to make rowing safer for themselves and others.
‘As it is online, anyone can complete it at any time from the comfort of their own home or anywhere with an Internet connection. I encourage everyone to do it. Risk assessment doesn’t have to be intimidating; following a few simple steps can make all the difference. Be safe and have fun!’
The Safety Basics Risk Assessment module is now available on RowHow.