Volunteer Awards 2012 – Winners’ Citations

Mike Perry (Overall winner East Region)
‘Mike is described as ‘doing pretty much everything’ for Bedford Rowing Club, its Sprint Regatta, Autumn and Spring Fours and small boat heads, as well as the Bedford Eights and Fours Head. He is an umpire for these events and others in the Region. He runs the start marshalling team and is involved in all events from the planning to the prize-giving. If there is a job that needs doing Mike is generally found to be doing it– whether it be clearing the drains after a sewage leak, acting as Clerk of Works, or applying for grants. For many years he managed the Club’s bar and staff and as Club President he has faced immense challenges, but his tenacity and dedication means that Bedford has seen a steady influx of new rowers across all categories of the sport; racing, recreational and adaptive. Mike never seeks recognition for himself but his contribution to the club has been unparalleled – without him Bedford Rowing Club would not be the success story it is today.’
Bob Board (Overall winner West Region)
‘Bob Board has been put forward by the West Region. Bob was a founder member of Exmouth Rowing Club in 1993 and is still a very active member of the club. For the last fourteen years he has been an extremely efficient secretary to the West of England ARA. Bob was also Secretary to the West Regional Rowing Council when it was first set up, taking up that role again in 2009. An umpire and entries secretary for the South Coast Championships, his communication skills are faultless. He is a problem solver who gives direction to all developments and supports and encourages all events in the West of England. Bob, thank you for your ongoing and long lasting contribution to rowing in the West.’
Jackie Wardell (Overall winner Wessex & South East Coast)
‘Jackie is the junior co-ordinator at Itchen Imperial Rowing Club and is heavily involved with Itchen Imperial Regatta and Southampton Small Boats Head. She runs the junior training programme at the club mainly single-handedly – and is now dealing with a waiting list that is rapidly growing following the Olympic Games. Among her roles she acts as a mentor around exam times helping juniors to organise their revision around training and competitions – she arranges the club kit and transport to and from events. Although Jackie’s own children have moved on from the junior squad she continues to give up every weekend and three nights a week to ensure the smooth and successful running of the squad. Its success is a reflection of the time and effort she puts in. She is an incredible role model and the club is indebted to her for her lead, enthusiasm and commitment.’
Philippa Sondheimer (Overall winner WAGS Region)
‘Philippa has been involved as a volunteer in rowing for 40 years. She has been Secretary and Divisional Representative for WAGS for many years, she is Entries Secretary for the British Rowing Championships, was a Games Maker for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and at Avon County Rowing Club she is membership secretary, women’s organiser, runs an after school sculling club for Juniors, organises tasters and learn to row sessions and – if that wasn’t enough – is entries secretary for the Avon County Head Race and Bristol Avon Regatta. Her contribution is described as massive and ongoing and thanks to her input all areas of the club are thriving. She is a genius at organising virtually anything and gets great results. Philippa is easy to take for granted because she is so unassuming but she is held in the highest esteem both at the club and further afield.’
David Johncox (Overall winner Thames Region)
‘David is a rowing parent whose input to Windsor Boys School has been both invaluable and inspiring. He manages the catering for boys and parents for all the club’s major events as well as the logistics of catering for overseas trips, towing all the food and catering equipment to far flung places in his own trailer. He provides the bar for club meetings and events, accommodates meetings at his home and has given up his garage to store food and equipment. A successful fund-raiser, he also provides leadership to the parent and volunteer community. Though he no longer has sons that row he continues to motivate and support the club, and as a governor at the school is a true ambassador for rowing. Although he has now stood down as Chairman he will continue to lead efforts to raise funds for the new boathouse. And although this award goes to David, I see I must also acknowledge and thank Alison, his wife, who is jointly responsible for the organisation of their catering.’
Dave Maxfield (Overall winner Yorkshire Region)
‘Dave Maxfield has been working with juniors at Doncaster Rowing Club for the last eight years, spending every night of the week and weekends down at the club. He has been nominated because of his complete commitment and the undivided focus he gives to the juniors – thanks to his tireless efforts the success of the squad has increased tenfold. He opens up the club every evening after work and is also a very active and supportive member of the club in all its activities. He has become and invaluable part of Doncaster Rowing Club.’
Kerry Maddrell (Overall winner North West Region)
‘Kerry Maddrell of Royal Chester Rowing Club was nominated for his work as Chairman of the Organising Committee for the North of England Head of the River Race and the County of Chester Long Distance Sculls. Kerry is another of rowing’s unsung heroes who has quietly gone about the task of delivering these two premier events in the Region each year ‘as though it was as easy as falling off a log’. He sorts out the entries, the rotas for helpers and the prizes for the events. He has also made sure that the events’ reputation for fairness and strong competition is backed up and enhanced by an efficient computer timing and results system. He brings his professional skills as a graphic designer in his role as club press officer, producing eye-catching posters to promote events and fund-raising projects. He is a fantastic club member whose particular contribution to the running of major events deserves to be recognised and applauded.’
Fiona Dick (Overall winner East Midlands Region)
‘Since being a student herself, Fiona has been heavily involved with BUCS events, helping out as umpire, safety officer and Chairman of the Race Committee. She combines professionalism with approachability, patience and understanding. She handles difficult moments with a smile, with resilience and common sense and in her role is key to the success of the annual BUCS Regatta, one of the largest events in Europe. Fiona is standing down from BUCS this year so that she can focus on other rowing projects. She has been part of a change in era for University rowing and she leaves a legacy team of enthusiastic university rowing supporters within the umpiring community – which some might say is worth an award in its own right! Fiona has made a lasting impression at BUCS, she has done much to encourage other young people to become involved in the sport, setting a marker to help motivate others. She has stood out from the crowd in her contribution to university events.’
Gloucester Rowing Club – Rowing Safety Award
‘This year British Rowing’s Safety Award goes to Gloucester Rowing Club. Many congratulations to Gloucester Rowing Club for the high standard of Safety that is observed throughout the club. Much of this is due to the efforts of the Club’s Rowing Safety Officer, Clive Pendry, who accepted the award on behalf of the Club.’