Brief update from Council

The Council of British Rowing held its first meeting of the year on Saturday 12th February.  While GB Rowing Team’s top athletes were battling it out on Dorney Lake at their winter assessment trials, the Officers, Divisional Representatives, Appointed members and Regional Chairmen were tackling a number of issues around the governance of the sport.

Matters discussed covered the following;

British Rowing’s Selection Policy and Selection Appeals Procedure

After some discussion and subject to some minor amendments the policy and procedure were approved.

FISA Matters

The Chairman updated Council on British Rowing’s new appointments to FISA Commissions, the successful coaching conference hosted in Henley in January and future bids for World events to be hosted in Scotland and England.  There is an article about Guin Batten’s appointment on the UK Sport website.

Junior Rowing

Entries close on Monday 14th February for the J16 Long Distance Small Boat trials in Boston, 19th – 20th February.  The purpose of the trials is to gain an invitation to the J16 Sculling Camp at the National Water Sports Centre, 11th – 13th April.  More information here.

It was noted that there were changes to the Fawley Challenge Cup, the junior sculling event at Henley Royal Regatta, and that the next issue of Rowing & Regatta would feature an update from Mike Sweeney, Chairman of the Henley Royal Regatta. 

There was a plea for volunteers to help out at the Junior Inter-Regional Trials at the National Water Sports Centre on Saturday 9th April.  More information from

Council’s Review Groups

Council received reports from the Review Groups set up after British Rowing’s Conference in 2009.  The groups are looking at four areas of the sport; competition, participation, club support and committees and commissions. Consultation is ongoing and this year’s Conference in Marlow, 24th – 25th September will take the work forward. 

Appointment of Honorary Treasurer

The appointment of Oliver Kimberley as the successor to Ron Paterson was ratified by Council.  There will be more about the new Treasurer in Rowing & Regatta.  Council joined the Chairman in giving heartfelt thanks to Ron for his nine years contribution.  There were no changes to current members of Executive and Council. 

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