Reunion of 1960s Women’s Championship Crew

Pauline Churcher writes;

“In 1960, the Women’s European Rowing Championships, the forerunner of the Worlds, were held on the Welsh Harp reservoir in Willesden.  As the event was on home waters, a full team of an eight, coxed four, quadruple, double and single sculler was selected. With the notable exception of Penny Chuter, we were not of the standard required but we did at least inaugurate the regular entries by British crews during the following years.
United Universities WBC provided the VIII, all of whom are still alive and, if not actually kicking, are in reasonably good nick.  We have an annual get together and since 2010 marks the 50th anniversary, we thought it would be pleasant to extend this gathering to all those oarswomen who were part of the 1960 team as well as those who represented GB during the 60s, 70s and 80s.  We therefore invite your presence at a party to be held at Thames RC on Saturday, 25th September at 12 noon. Oldies tend to prefer lunchtime functions these days!
I hope very much that those who coached as well as competed will join us.  We shall have to make a modest charge (£10) to cover food and drink but do trust that this will not deter people.  We can offer entertainment in the form of the Great River Race which will be passing by at the time.”

Please get in touch with Pauline, contact details below:  
Pauline Churcher
Tel.  0208 878 3723
Email: [email protected]

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