Boat Naming at Royal Chester

The on-going developments at Royal Chester Rowing Club took a leap forward on Saturday 27th March with an official boat naming ceremony at the clubhouse.
The Lord Mayor of Chester and Admiral of the Dee, Councillor Ebo and The City MP, Christine Russell joined club members and supporters at the launching of three boats with a traditional champagne shower.
An Empacher single sculling boat was name ‘Owen Jones’, generous support coming from The Owen Jones Education Trust and Sellafield Ltd. This boat is key to the training campaign by club member Becca Chin to compete in the 2012 Olympics and beyond.
The club welcomes beginners of all ages and frequently their first experience of rowing is in a venerable wooden training pair.  This boat has recently been completely refurbished ready for many more years’ service and will at long last have a name – The ‘Kerry Maddrell’ in recognition for his sterling work with the sandpaper and varnish.

The women’s changing rooms have also had a long overdue rebuild with luxury showers and even heating!  Support came from the Chester Race Course fund and Royals industrious chairman Mike Palamarczuk.
Royal Chester Rowing Club are most grateful for the support of their sponsors in the purchase of key equipment. We’re also grateful to national and local representatives for their support of rowing on the Dee and the maintenance of the river as a spectacular recreational resource.

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