The PricewaterhouseCoopers BUCS Rowing Championship & Beginner Head

News from BUCS –

The PricewaterhouseCoopers BUCS Rowing Championship & Beginner
Head has once again seen record entries, with a particular increase in
beginner women’s entries.

Just under 400 crews from 45 University rowing clubs will compete at
the event on the River Nene in on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 February.
Clubs from as far north as Dundee and as far south as Exeter will make
the journey to Peterborough to compete.

Saturday 20 will see the beginners (in their first year of the sport)
race over a 2500m course whereas the Championship crews will contest
the full 5000m course on Sunday 21.

The increase in entries comes at the same time as a reported increase
in student entries at British Rowing events proving the growth of
University Rowing within Great Britain.

James Lee, Rowing Programme & Development Administrator at BUCS and event organiser said “It
is an unbelievable number of entries for the 2 day event. We were
extremely unlucky not to be able to run the event last year due to the
severe weather, however that has made the team even more determined to
put on a top class event for the students this year.”

The start order and competitor information are all now available on the BUCS Rowing Pages.

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