Universities Boat Race 2010

Battle of the blades image

The 2009 winners of the Aberdeen Asset Management Universities Boat Race ‘threw down the gauntlet’ to their opposition today. Tania Griffin, team president of Aberdeen University Boat Club issued the formal challenge to Craig Marjoribanks, president of Robert Gordon University Boat Club to launch the 15th annual Aberdeen Asset Management Universities Boat Race. The 2010 race, which is being billed as the ‘Battle of The Blades’, saw both presidents don medieval gauntlets to mark the  challenge to a survival of the fittest in next the 2010 race which will take place on Saturday 28th February.
Last year saw Robert Gordon University scoop the coveted trophy for only the second time in 14 years. Today Tania Griffin of Aberdeen University Boat Club launched her team’s bid to win back the title.
Tania Griffin, says, “Next year’s race is being billed as the ‘Battle of the Blades’ so the medieval formal challenge seemed the perfect fit.”
Craig Marjoribanks, president for Robert Gordon University’s Boat Club, says, “Our rowers will most definitely show skill with their ‘blades’ and strength and fitness and we hope to cross the finish line as winners again in 2010.”
Martin Gilbert, chief executive of Aberdeen Asset Management, says, “Aberdeen Asset Management is proud to continue its support for the Universities Boat Race in 2010. Both teams continue to show dedication, team work and utter determination to succeed in this event. Their positive mental attitude is credit to both universities. The event, which is Scotland’s longest running rowing race, continues to grow year on year and we look forward to one of the best turn outs yet.”

The Aberdeen Asset Management Boat Race will take place on the River Dee in Aberdeen and runs from the Bridge of Dee to Aberdeen Boat Club in Torry at 1.20pm on Sunday 28th February. 

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