Death of Norman Howitt

It is with sad reget that we must report the news of the death of Norman Howitt, a long-serving and dedicated volunteer in the world of rowing.

"Norman fell ill on Thursday 8th October with what seemed to be a relatively minor ailment but sadly he passed away over the weekend.

Norman has been an absolute mainstay of the Cambois Rowing Club over many years, from the days when the club was supported by the National Coal Board and was actually located at Cambois on the River Blyth.

His daily attendance at the club was only interrrupted by holidays, and he was always present to enable the youngsters to learn rowing and develop.

Norman was also one of only two Multi-lane Umpires in the Northern Region and only recently hung up his flags having reached the age of 70 and even then continued to umpire at the Northern University Boat Race in Newcastle City Centre each May.

The rowing world will indeed be poorer for his departure."

Ken Hastie  

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