Imperial to enter Guiness Book of Records

Imperial tow Water Skier 

“Stuart Whitelaw and I took a crew from Imperial College Boat Club to Dorney lake to attempt a world record for the fastest time a rowing eight can tow a water-skier over 100m. The current record stood at 19.9s held by a French team. After a couple of failed attempts we had a clear run which we clocked at 19.3s.

Annoyingly, the Guinness Adjudicator clocked the same attempt 2 seconds slower than the current record!!! After pointing out that we were perhaps more experienced at timing crews on the course I invited the Adjudicator to time from the truck rather than from a boat following the skier.

This did the trick, and although we timed the run faster the official verdict was 19.58s, breaking the previous World Record by almost 0.5s. The guys did a great job and had a good time. The record was filmed by Sky TV and will be broadcast to an estimated 2million viewers in the spring….”

Steve Trapmore
Imperial College Boat Club

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