Active Thames fund open for applications

Active Thames is a partnership programme led by the Port of London Authority to support the development of watersports on the tidal Thames and inland waterways in London, Kent and Essex.


The Active Thames fund provides grants of up to £5000 (or more, in specific circumstances) for projects that deliver at least one of the following objectives:

  • Improve diversity of participation, particularly among under-represented groups including:
      • People with disabilities
      • People with long term health conditions
      • People from lower socio-economic groups
      • Ethnically diverse communities.
  • Develop the workforce (coaches, volunteers and administrative support).

The programme particularly welcomes applications designed to:

  • Boost participation east of Tower Bridge through to Kent and Essex
  • Support coastal rowing projects
  • Develop community activators for paddlesports
  • Provide continued provision of activity, beyond this funding cycle.

Applications are open from 19 October to 27 November 2022. Find out more and apply here.

Read more about how Royal Dophins RC, a Royal Docks-based adult rowing club, which champions all capabilities, previously won a grant of £3172 from Active Thames to upskill its coaches, create greater accessible facilities and provide more sessions to members.

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