Has your club completed its Club Membership declaration?

The deadline for declaring club membership figures is Wednesday, 31 January. Submit your membership numbers before the deadline to ensure your club can keep racing


Since September 2017, Club Secretaries of all British Rowing affiliated clubs have been emailed asking to continue affiliation to British Rowing by providing a safety audit and membership numbers. Nearly all clubs have now submitted their safety audits (click here for outstanding clubs) and 43% have submitted their membership declarations. Submitting these figures forms an integral part of the club affiliation process, as without this your club will not be able to race.

All British Rowing affiliated clubs are required to submit their membership numbers by Wednesday 31, January. If a club fails to do this by the deadline, we will not be able to invoice the club for the year’s affiliation fee and this will cause your affiliation to lapse. For those clubs that have declared membership figures, invoices will be sent and these need to be paid by 1 April, 2018. See below for the timeline:

  • 31 January, 2018 – deadline for all clubs to submit their membership numbers
  • 1 February, 2018 – clubs who haven’t returned membership numbers will be temporarily suspended from making entries into competitions via the British Rowing Online Entry System (BROE). Note, as soon as these have been submitted we will reinstate access
  • February/March, 2018 – invoices will be sent out to all clubs either to the treasurer or the club secretary, depending on who contacts are
  • 1 April, 2018 – payment of affiliation fees due
  • 2 April, 2018 – list of Clubs with outstanding fees will be put up on British Rowing website and again temporarily suspended from making entries into competitions via BROE. Note, as soon as these have been submitted we will reinstate access
  • 14 May, 2018 – clubs whose affiliation fee are outstanding will be suspended from racing in any competition until payment is received
  • 30 Sept, 2018 – any clubs which remain unpaid by this date are submitted to Board where their affiliation will be cancelled

If your club hasn’t received this email yet, and subsequent reminder emails, it could be because we have incorrect contact details for your Club Secretary on our system. Please update your Club Management System accordingly and contact [email protected]. For more information about club management, click here.

More information about Affiliation Renewal can be found here.

For any queries submitting these numbers, please email [email protected].

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