Have your say on British Rowing’s future constitution

British Rowing is seeking the views of the rowing community as part of the consultation stage for the implementation of the new Code for Sports Governance


In November 2016, the UK Government launched its new Code for Sports Governance, which all sports organisations are required to comply with if they want to continue to receive government or Lottery funding via Sport England or UK Sport.

Since then, British Rowing, in consultation with its Regional Chairmen, Council and Board, has been reviewing the implications of the new Code for the sport. This consultation process is being coordinated by the Governance Working Group, chaired by Annamarie Phelps CBE.

At its meeting last month Council members unanimously agreed that British Rowing would comply with the new Code. As a result of this, the Governance Working Group is reviewing British Rowing’s constitution and relevant rules of the organisation. The rowing community and affiliated Members (the Clubs and Events), are invited to feed into this review process through the Regional Chairmen and regional representatives.

>>> Find out who is your regional representative

The next meeting of the Regional Chairmen will take place at the end of August and will be a chance for feedback received to date to be discussed. The Governance Working Group will then draw up a revised constitution and rulebook that allows British Rowing to comply with the Code for Sports Governance. This will then be voted on at British Rowing’s AGM in October.

Commenting on the consultation process, Phelps said: “This is a really important stage within the process and I urge those in the rowing community to take the time now to input via their regional representative. The Governance Working Group is listening to views being shared by the community, which is helping to shape our governance framework in the long-term interest of the sport and in compliance with the Code for Sports Governance. We have a great opportunity to effect change for the better in rowing so please do make sure you input into this consultation process.”

For more information about British Rowing’s current governance structure click here. To read the Code for Sports Governance click here.