Race Day Kit – Don’t leave the house without it!

It’s nearly time to race at the British Rowing Indoor Championships. What do you need to wear? What do you need to take? Eric Kent gives you his top 10 tips on what kit you should consider taking on the event day.


It’s finally race day. Make sure you think about putting the following items into your kit bag:

1. Registration form
Don’t leave home without it! Without this form you can’t get your race card to have your name or time verified after the race.

2. Shorts
My favourite, comfiest pair of shorts –I can’t take any chances with chaffing and rubbing in the ‘wrong places’ during the race!

3. Shoes
A few years ago Adidas released some training shoes called ‘Rowing ST’, modelled on the shoes used in rowing boats. They have a very thin sole and heel which makes for a great connection through the feet on the drive. Mine are falling to bits inside and have been repaired twice, but I can’t part with them!

4. T-shirt
For the same reason as the shorts, the T-shirt has to be comfy.

5. Watch
I have had a Suunto T6D for a few years which I use for all my training. The best thing with this watch is the ability to download my session to my laptop and analyse how my workout went. I will do this with the race and see how my body was doing as well as how I felt during it.

6. Fuel
I make a note of my race time and eat accordingly to fuel my body. I start with a good breakfast and make sure I have my snacks prior to racing. I always like to have bananas before the race as they settle well in my stomach. I have oranges afterwards for a quick sugar intake. I do indulge in something like Soreen after a hard session, so I would probably put that in my bag as well.

7. Phone or tablet
I ask one of my friends to try and get some video of my race, as I do like to check up on my technique, especially when under pressure.

8. Money
Always good to have some cash with me for drinks or any unforeseen circumstances.

9. A change of clothes
As racing on an ergo is usually a sweaty affair, I like to have a shower and change so I bring a towel and toiletries bag plus clean clothes with me.

10. One final note
Metaphorically speaking, the last item should already be ‘in the bag’. A sound training plan will enable you to row your race to a successful outcome.


Eric Kent


Eric Kent rows at Hollingworth Lake. He has been a personal trainer for 20 years and is a regular deliverer of indoor rowing classes in Longbridge, Lancashire.