Bumper Entry for 2015 British Rowing Junior Championships

Entries for this year’s Junior Championships closed earlier this week; over 600 entries have been received for the regatta which is being held at Strathclyde Country Park on 18 & 19 July, and is being supported by Event Scotland.

Following the draw, the provisional racing timetable has now been published on www.britchamps.org. The size of the field has meant that the racing days will be slightly longer than anticipated and that some boat classes will have minor finals only up to Final E.

Racing is provisionally scheduled to start at 08.15 with the time trials on Saturday, and finishing at approximately 19.00. 

There will be a briefing for coaches held in the Centre Building on Saturday morning 90 minutes prior to the first time trial (i.e. provisionally at 0645), and a further briefing on Saturday evening 40 minutes after the end of racing. All coaches and club organisers are encouraged to attend the briefings.

On Sunday, racing is provisionally scheduled to start at 08.30, with the A and B finals being held from 12.20. Medal ceremonies will be held throughout the afternoon at the presentation area adjacent to the finish tower, these will take place as soon as is practicable after each A final.

A limited number of gazebo pitches are still available; if you want to book a space please go to http://britchamps.org/juniors/gazebo-pitches-2015

All of the information about the regatta for competitors and spectators is available at www.britchamps.org. Results will be posted online throughout the weekend, with updates also on Twitter (@BritishRowing), Facebook (BritishRowing) and Instagram (britishrowing)

The Organising Committee are looking forward to welcoming all athletes, coaches and supporters to Strathclyde Country Park.

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