FISA and British Rowing team up at the cutting edge

Some of the world’s leading sport science and medicine practitioners will exchange ideas and share best practice when British Rowing hosts a conference in the UK in January on behalf of FISA, the World Rowing Federation.

Professor Greg Whyte, trainer to top sports stars and celebrities alike, and IOC Medical Director, Richard Budgett, will be amongst the headline speakers at the event hosted at the SAS Institute near Marlow from January 22-25.

Whyte will speak about altitude training, Budgett will talk about protecting the “Clean Athlete”. More than 20 countries will be represented from the USA to Japan.

There will also be sessions on injury prevention, increasing lean muscle mass, training in extremes of hot and cold and Laurie Miles from SAS Analytics – British Rowing’s data partner – will talk about the use of “big data’ to predict injury and illness.

Rowing coaches and top rowers will also be in the audience and Katherine Grainger, four times Olympic medallist, will be the keynote speaker at the opening dinner on January 22nd.

“This will be the perfect opportunity for us to learn from some of the top international experts as well as offering our contribution to the debate”, said British Rowing’s technical lead, Rosie Mayglothling.

Mayglothling and British Rowing Chairman Annamarie Phelps are clearly delighted that their hard work in developing the initiative for the conference and then putting together a top quality programme has borne such fruit.

“At the moment we have around 80-90 people planning to attend and more may sign up as we begin moving into 2015”, said Phelps. “We have a quality line-up of speakers and a very exciting opportunity to push forward global knowledge in some areas to the benefit of the world-wide rowing community”.

Delegates will also be offered a behind-the-scenes visit to the English Institute of Sport Rehabilitation Unit at Bisham Abbey.

Anyone wishing to attend the conference should register at:

Any queries from potential delegates should be directed to: [email protected]

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