Advanced Risk Assessment module now online!


British Rowing has developed a three tier approach to the management of risk, with all three stages of the training material now available on RowHow.

The basic training is intended to give everyone an understanding of safety in rowing. It leads rowers to be aware of the things that could cause harm (hazards), the events in which harm could be caused (hazardous events), the safeguards that tend to make hazardous events less likely (barriers) and the factors that rend to reduce the severity of harm (controls).  This training has been available to everyone for some time in the form of the Safety Basics Risk Assessment  online module at (or here for those people without a RowHow login:

The Intermediate module in Risk Management was released in November 2014, and is aimed at helping leaders within rowing to understand risk and produce their own Risk Management Plans for particular activities. This will help them, when considering the safety of planned events to come to a conclusion on whether it is safe to complete the planned activities taking into account the conditions and the capabilities of the people involved. It can be found at (or here for those people without a RowHow login:

The Advanced module in Risk Assessment has now also been released. This is intended for Club and Event Rowing Safety Advisers and others who need to complete a detailed Risk Assessment. It can be found at (or here for those people without a RowHow login Risk Assessment is an important planning tool that helps to identify the barriers and controls that should be in place to ensure that activities can be undertaken safely. The tool also helps to identify ownership of the actions required to maintain these barriers and controls. This adds clarity and helps to ensure that all the required actions are completed and that risk reducing measures continue to be effective.

If you need help with any of these modules then please contact your Regional Rowing Safety Adviser whose contact details can be found at If you have any comments then feel free to write to the Honorary Rowing Safety Adviser at [email protected].

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