WAGS Region – have your say on the Competition Framework proposals

If your club is in the Wiltshire, Avon, Gloucestershire or Somerset area the WAGS Regional Rowing Council would like to invite all club members to attend their upcoming Regional Meeting for a presentation on the proposed new competition framework.

Read more about the plans to provide a simpler and more flexible competition system at www.britishrowing.org/competition-framework-2013.

Come along to Saltford Hall, Wedmore Road, Bristol at 7.30pm on Thursday 12th June 2014 to hear Phil Clements, Deputy Chairman of the National Competition Committee and working group member explain the proposals and how they will affect you as rowers.

There will be opportunity for discussion as the working group is keen to hear your views and would value your feedback.

For more information about the meeting contact Phil Clements [email protected] or Philippa Sondheimer [email protected].

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