Leeds RC backs the British Heart Foundation


Leeds Rowing Club is backing the British Heart Foundation’s Great British Bagathon – with members of the West Yorkshire club donating 10 bags of clothing to the charity challenge.

The BHF’s challenges encourages people to donate their unwanted clothing, which the charity will then sell on to raise much-needed funds and help fight heart-disease.

Each full bag is worth roughly £20 to support the BHF’s lifesaving work and, so far, more than 316,000 bags have been collected.

“We have some brilliantly enthusiastic members, so we were very keen to help out with the British Heart Foundation campaign in support of such a good cause,” said Leeds RC Development Officer Julian Pearce.

“We’re a young club, but we’re already competing at the highest level, having sent crews to Henley, Fours Head and Metropolitan Regatta in the past year. The next step is to work with Leeds University to build a major new boathouse with expanded facilities to help keep the people of Leeds and Yorkshire fit and healthy.”

Mavis Dillon, area manager for BHF’s high street shops in Leeds, added: “It’s fantastic to see members of Leeds Rowing Club taking on a challenge for the Great British Bag-athon.

“We hope that local people will follow their lead and help us out by filling one bag or many for the BHF Leeds shop.”

More information about the BHF’s Great British Bagathon can be found at www.bhf.org.uk/shop/bag-athon.aspx.

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