University clubs appeal for YouTube hits

The University of East Anglia Boat Club (UEABC) and University of Bristol Boat Club (UBBC) are both appealing for help from the rowing community to win up to £5000 in the RBS Enterprising Student Society Accreditation (ESSA) awards.

The competition requires ESSA societies to produce promotional videos, nine of which will be chosen as finalists on May 30th.

From those nine finalists, the video with the most YouTube hits will be awarded £5000, with £1000 prizes for the second and third most-watched videos, and £500 for each remaining finalist.

“If we are lucky enough to win, we will spend the money on coaching – particularly on coaching our beginner/novice end of the squad who get very few coaching hours at the moment,” said UEABC President Tom Hesse.

“As a small university boat club we have very limited funding available to us for coaching so have to think outside the box when trying to expand our club, and wining £5000 would triple our present coaching budget.

“We feel we deserve to win as over the past two years we’ve worked tirelessly to turn our club into something to be proud of. All we need now to sustain it going forward is a little extra coaching.”

The University of Bristol is also in the running for the £5000 top prize, and UBBC’s effort can be seen here:

To help UEABC and UBBC on their way to the £5000 top prize, click play on the videos above.

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