Help shape the future of sport in England
With the Olympic and Paralympic Games fast approaching, sport has rarely had a higher profile and Sport England wants to build on this by creating a lasting legacy.
Sport England, in partnership with Ipsos MORI, is conducting its fourth annual sport satisfaction survey which aims to understand people’s sporting experiences across the country. With your help, Sport England and British Rowing will gain a greater understanding of what motivates people to play sport, the challenges participants face and what can be done to improve sport for you.
The survey will help to drive and shape our sport in the coming years, ensuring that you have the best possible experience when taking part in rowing – be it out on the water or on an indoor rowing machine.
As a thank you for your time, everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a draw to win up to £250 of High Street ‘Love2shop’ Vouchers – a prize which has kindly been provided by Ipsos MORI.
As well as the opportunity to win this prize, you will play a part in driving and shaping sport in England in the years to come.