British rowers plot Atlantic record


On 2 January 2012, six rowers will attempt to become the first crew to row across the Atlantic Ocean in less than 30 days.

The Atlantic Odyssey crew – skippered by Matt Craughwell and featuring BBC journalist and North Pole rower Mark Beaumont – aims to break ocean rowing’s ‘four-minute mile’ by completing a sub-30 day crossing between Tarfaya, Morocco, and Port St. Charles, Barbados.

Their boat, the Sara G, already holds the record for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic – having travelled the same route between Morocco and Barbados in 33 days, 21 hours and 46 minutes in January this year.

Atlantic Odyssey Skipper Matt Craughwell was also skipper of the 2011 record-breaking crew, which claimed a second world record for the ‘most consecutive days of 100+ miles rowed by ocean rowing boat’ – 12.

In order to complete the historic sub-30 day crossing, the six men will row in a two-hours on, two-hours off shift pattern for the duration of the challenge, aiming for an average speed of 3.9 knots despite 20+mph winds and 30-foot waves.

As well as making ocean rowing history, the Atlantic Odyssey crew also aim to raise as much money as possible for the Heart radio network’s Have a Heart appeal – improving the lives of children across the UK.

To sponsor the Atlantic Odyssey crew, visit their fund-raising page or text BOAT to 70766 to donate £4*.

*texts charged at standard network rate, ask bill payers permission before texting.

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