Team Hallin set off for Atlantic World Record

Last night (6th January) Team Hallin embarked on their epic physical and mental endurance test to break the world record for crossing the Atlantic. The East to West Transatlantic record is the ultimate prize in ocean rowing. The current record was set between the Canary Islands and Barbados. Team Hallin aims to follow the same course of 3,000 miles, or 2,600 nautical miles.

Skipper, David Hosking MBE, a former Royal Navy Commander and world champion rower, is leading the group of six in the attempt. David, 56 years of age, who coaches rowing at Charterhouse School is confident Team Hallin will shave three days off the current world record of thirty-three days, seven hours and thirty minutes and land in the Bahamas less than a month after setting off from the Canary Islands (given the right weather).

David said, “leaving before 9pm during high water is crucial. We will be pulled away from Tenerife as the water level drops. It is a fractional advantage, but every gain is vital if we want to cross the Ocean in thirty days!”Image of Team Hallin Boat

The Team will row in a watch system, with three people rowing at all times: two hours on, two hours off, all the way to Barbados. During ‘off watch’ they will boil desalinated sea-water to rehydrate their food, carry out essential repairs to the boat and body, and if there is time, try to sleep before starting the endless four hour cycle again.

Sore muscles from twelve hours hard rowing a day are the least of the athletes worries. Fatigue, sores, blisters, mental strain and illness will all take their toll, but with no time to rest, or heal, they will have to endure their problems until they cross the Atlantic.

For further information or to follow Team Hallin’s progress with their hourly updated tracker visit their website

Team Hallin Media Release
7th January 2011

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