Check out our frequently asked questions section for the British Rowing Junior Championships

Competitors FAQs
Trailers should be parked in the trailer park near the boating area. If approaching from the A6011, bear right where Adbolton Lane forks, then take the first left. Signs will be in place to direct you to the appropriate gate. The gate is opened at 06:30 and is closed at 22:00 each day.
Where should I park my trailer?
Boats should be stored on your trailer where possible. Please remember to tie down your boat to prevent it from being blown off. Certain racks are reserved for boating on or off & adaptive athletes or certain boat types. These will be clearly marked up and should only be used by those boats indicated.
Where can I store my boat?
Racing licences
Yes, you must bring this with you to the Regatta.
Do I need my British Rowing racing licence?
Yes, you must bring this with you to the Regatta
Do I need my Scottish Rowing / Welsh Rowing racing licence?
The British Rowing Championships is held under British Rowing Rules of Racing so points will be added to English, Welsh and Scottish Licences according to these rules. A winning Scottish novice competitor will lose his or her novice status and will gain a further point if he or she wins a senior event in a qualifying event in which at least 9 crews start.
How do Scottish Rowing points fit in with British rowing points?
Keep it with you at all times and produce it to an official if asked.
What should I do with my racing licence?
Try to get a replacement before you come to the Championships and if this is not possible, bring recognisable photo ID.
What do I do if I have lost my racing licence?
Race Timetable / Draw
A provisional draw will be on the website in advance of racing. This will be subject to change, and if necessary an updated version will be published. You should check the notice boards and/or website each day during the Championships for any further updates.
When will the draw be published?
These should be notified to us when you make your entry. If, once the race timetable is published, you feel there is still a potential problem then please contact us via email ([email protected]) and we will try to assist.
What should I do about clashes/doubling on the race timetable?
If racing is postponed we will announce the plans to recommence racing as soon as is practicably possible. In the event of abandonment or cancellation we may have to determine medal positions from either time trial or heat results, so it is key that you race every race as fast as you can.
What happens to the timetable if racing is postponed/cancelled/abandoned?
The race timetable will be published on this website and on the notice boards outside the Registration Office. You should check these for updates regularly as the Championships proceeds.
What time does racing finish?
All crews must boat from the boating pontoons at the end of the lake. Crews must not use the rafts in front of the new boat houses.
May I boat from the pontoon by the new boathouses next to the Centre Building?
During side-by-side racing, crews may warm up in lane 7 as they proceed to the start but must not do racing starts or bursts at high speed when close to other crews or when a race is going past. Crews may also warm up in lanes 4 & 5 between the 1500m and 750m markers by carefully turning into lane 4 or 5 at the 1500m marker and then warming up in the racing direction only before turning back into lane 7 at the 750m marker. When warming up in lane 4 or 5, crews must keep well clear of any races. During warm-up, crews must be vigilant of racing crews and must stop their boat well in advance of an approaching race so that their wash does not affect the approaching race. Crews racing in time trials may not warm up on the water. Instead, consider warming up on land but be aware that this year a warm up area with ergos will not be available.
May I warm up before my race?
During side-by-side racing, crews may cool down by carefully turning into lane 7 after their race, and then turning into lane 4 or 5 at the 500m marker only. Crews must travel in the racing direction only in lanes 4 & 5 and must take care not to impede any races on the course, or to cross the Finish Line alongside a race. Crews racing in time trials may not cool down on the water. Instead, consider cooling down on land.
May I cool down after my race?
Announcements will be made during the event via the PA system and notices will be posted outside Registration, on the scoreboard and on the website. In the unlikely event that cancellation occurs prior to competition commencing then announcements will be posted on the website and every effort will be made to contact entrants via the email address submitted with the entry.
How do I get told if racing is cancelled due to bad weather?
Competitors are responsible for their own equipment, and should check it well before they go afloat to race. We cannot guarantee to hold your race if you are not ready in time. If you discover a problem before your race then inform the nearest official as soon as possible and they will pass on the information to the race controller so that any race alterations judged to be necessary can be made. Equipment failure during a race is subject to the British Rowing Rules of Racing: crews abide by their own accidents unless caused by an outside agency.
What do we do if we have equipment failure?
Protests are covered by British Rowing Rule of Racing 2-7-2. “A competitor or crew may make an immediate protest at the end of a race against the umpire’s decision, or potential decision. Ideally … a protest should be signalled to the Race Umpire, by the raising of hands as soon as the crew has passed the Finish.” A protest may be made by an official club representative on their behalf. This should be made in writing at the Registration Office and will be dealt with by the Chairman of the Race Committee or his representative. General comments or complaints about the overall running of the Championships should be made to the Registration Office.
How do I make a complaint?
This year’s Medal Collection will take place on the patio lawn, when you have returned your boat to the trailer please collect your medals.
What should I do if I finish in one of the medal positions?
Please return your boat to your trailer, where possible, before collecting your medal.
What should I do with my boat when I collect my medal?
This year you can collect your medal around your races, please make your way to patio lawn area when you have time, during racing hours.
What should I do if I finish in one of the medal positions and have another race soon after?
Winners’ medals and plaques can be collected from the Patio Lawn area.
Where do the medal presentations take place?
Practising / Training
On the Lake: The lake will open at 07:00 and close at 20:00 on Saturday and Sunday. The lake must be clear 30 minutes before racing is due to start and will not reopen for practice until 15 minutes after the last race of the day has finished if time permits. Last boating is 15 minutes before the lake closes. On the Friday the lake is open for training from 15 minutes after the last race until 20:00. These times are subject to the weather conditions and the light conditions as the lake must close at dusk.
When and where can I practise during the Regatta?
Crews training on the River Trent do so entirely at their own risk and must make their own safety arrangements. They must ensure their boat is licensed to be on the River and they must read the circulation pattern for the River Trent.
May I practise on the River?
General Information
A range of British Rowing Championships branded clothing and other items are available from our dedicated stallon the patio lawn by the main building throughout the Championships. This includes the ever-popular annual T-shirt featuring the names of all this year’s competitors. All the items can also be purchased online via our website, subject to availability.
How do I purchase branded Championships merchandise?
Directions and accommodation
This year’s Junior Championships will be held at the National Water Sports Centre, Holme Pierrepont Country Park, Adbolton Ln, Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham NG12 2LU, UK.
What is the address?
The Experience Nottingham website gives details of local accommodation. In addition, there is a campsite at the National Water Sports Centre.
How can I find some local accommodation?
Lost property
Any found property should be handed in to the Reception in the main Centre building. Queries about lost property should be directed to Reception. No announcements will be made over the PA system.
Lost and found property
Spectators and coaches
Admission and parking
British Rowing Junior Championships is a free, unticketed event.
Do I need to purchase a ticket in advance of the Regatta? If so, how much are the tickets and where are they available from?
Paid car parking will be available on site – please note, NWSC now has an ANPR system for parking at a charge of £5 per day. Payment is either contactless or via the PayByPhone app using location code 800800, those parking have until midnight to pay to avoid getting a ticket. Trailer parking is available in the field on the other side of Adbolton Lane or in the Country Park. All attendees at the 2021 Junior Championships are encouraged to follow the latest Government guidance related to transport when travelling to the competition.
Where should I park?
Due to current guidance, spectator gazebo pitches are not being offered for sale this year. However we recognise that some clubs may need to pitch a gazebo to offer their athletes socially distanced shelter from the weather. These may be pitched adjacent to trailers.
May I put up a gazebo or club marquee on the site and, if so, where and how much will it cost?
The Water Sports Centre cafe & restaurant will be closed to the public during the course of the event. Take away catering stands outside on the Patio Lawn near the Retail Village will be available during racing times.
What catering facilities are available?
Only gas barbeques may be used within the grounds.
May I use a barbeque?
Programmes and race timetable
Printed programmes will not be produced. All details are contained on this website. The Event Information Leaflet contains a map of the site and other useful information. A Race Schedule sheet will be published each morning and will be available free of charge at the Regatta.
Where may I buy a programme?
The race timetable will be published on this website. You should check these for updates each day. As a guide, racing is expected to finish by 18:00 on Friday and Saturday, and by 18:30 on Sunday.
What time does racing finish?
Watching the racing
The two best places to watch racing are: (1) the seating area by the Finish and Victory Ceremonies Area on the right hand side of the main building as you face the water; and (2) the Country Park on the opposite side to the Lakeside Building where you can walk or cycle along the course and follow a race. Please abide by the government guidelines regarding social distancing when at the event.
Where is the best place to watch the racing?
Cycling is permitted on the country park side of the course (opposite side to the buildings). There is no public access to the road on the other (buildings) side whilst racing is in progress. You must not ride motorbikes or drive other vehicles on either side of the course. Cyclists should be aware of and must at all times give way to official Regatta service vehicles.
May I cycle / drive along with the race?
Safety and welfare
The first aid cabin is near the Finish Tower and is open during racing hours. If you require first aid outside these times, please speak to NWSC Reception in the Main Centre Building. All accidents and emergencies must be reported to a Regatta Official as soon as is practicable, who will summon the appropriate help if required.
What do I do if I need first aid?
Please report anything suspicious (such as someone taking photos in the changing area, someone unknown to crews hanging around or tampering with equipment) to the Registration Office or the Event Welfare Adviser, immediately so that appropriate action can be taken.
What do I do if someone is acting suspiciously?
Any concerns regarding the possible well-being of a competitor should be reported to the Event Welfare Adviser who will decide on the appropriate action. She can be contacted via Registration.
Who can I speak to if I am not happy with how I am being treated / looked after?
If you think that a young person or vulnerable person has gone missing, report to the nearest Regatta Official or the Event Welfare Adviser via registration stating the time and place where the person was last seen and giving a physical description of the individual. The EWA will decide on the appropriate course of action. If you come across a young or vulnerable person who appears to be lost, please report to the nearest Regatta Official as soon as possible.
Missing persons