EA Boat Registration
Affiliated clubs are able to purchase reduced price Environment Agency (EA) Boat Registrations through British Rowing

Anyone planning to keep or use a boat on Environment Agency (EA) waterways must ensure that the boat is registered for use on these waters. This applies to clubs who boat on EA waters as well as clubs who usually boat from other waters but visit EA waters for competition, recreation or training.
This map shows the EA waters in England where rowing takes place:
Clubs and competitions based on these waters are:
Thames: TU1 region
Abingdon RC
City of Oxford RC
Falcon RC
Griffen, The, BC
Hinksey Sculling School
Martlet BC
Oxford Amateur RC
Radley Mariners
St Edward’s Martyrs BC
Taurus BC
Thames Scullers
Universities and Colleges
Balliol College BC
Brasenose College BC
Christ Church BC
Corpus Christi College (Oxford) BC
Exeter College BC
Green Templeton College BC
Hertford College BC
Jesus College (Oxford) BC
Keble College BC
Lady Margaret Hall BC
Linacre BC
Lincoln College BC
Magdalen College BC
Mansfield College BC
Merton College BC
New College BC
Oriel College BC
Osler House BC
Oxford University BC
Oxford University Lwt Women’s RC
Pembroke College (Oxford) BC
Queens College, The, (Oxford) BC
Regent’s Park College BC
Reuben College BC
Somerville College BC
St Anne’s College BC
St Antony’s College BC
St Catherine’s College (Oxford) BC
St Edmund Hall BC
St Hilda’s College BC
St Hugh’s BC
St John’s College (Oxford) BC
St Peter’s College BC
Trinity College BC
University College (Oxford) BC
Wadham College BC
Wolfson College (Oxford) BC
Worcester College BC
Abingdon School BC
Dragon School BC
Headington School Oxford BC
Magdalen College School BC
Radley College BC
St Edward’s School BC
Abingdon Head
City of Oxford Royal Regatta
City of Oxford Sprint Regatta
Isis Sculls
Oxford City Bumping Races
Thames: TU2 region
Aldworthian BC
Army RC
Black Sheep BC
Goring Gap BC
Henley RC
Leander Club
Oratory Cardinals RC
Pangbourne Nautics BC
Phyllis Court RC
Reading RC
Rentacrew RC
RowZambezi Sculling Club
Royal Air Force RC
Shiplake Vikings RC
Star and Arrow Club
Thames Valley Park RC
Upper Thames RC
UK Armed Forces RC
Wallingford RC
Universities and Colleges
Oxford Brookes University BC
Reading University BC
Oratory School BC
Pangbourne College BC
Reading Blue Coat School BC
Shiplake College BC
Henley Fours and Eights Head
Henley Sculls Head
Henley Town and Visitors Regatta
Henley Masters Regatta
Henley Women’s Regatta
Reading Amateur Regatta
Reading Small Boats Head
Reading Town Regatta
Reading University Head of the River
Thames Valley Park Regatta
Upper Thames Autumn Head
Wallingford Head
Wallingford Long Distance Sculls
Thames: TU3 region
1921, The, BC
British Airways RC
Burway RC
Dorney BC
Eton Excelsior RC
Eton Vikings Club
GM Swans BC
Maidenhead RC
Marlow RC
Staines BC
Windsorian, The, RC
Universities and Colleges
Royal Holloway (Univ. of London) BC
Bishopsgate School BC
Claires Court School BC
Eton College BC
Gordon’s School BC
Great Marlow School BC
Langley Academy The
Royal Grammar Sch. High Wycombe BC
Sir William Borlase’s Gram Sch BC
Sir William Perkins’s School BC
Windsor Boys School, The, BC
Windsor Girls School, The, BC
Wycombe Abbey RC
Burway Head
Burway Small Boats Head
Egham Regatta
Maidenhead Regatta
Maidenhead Junior Regatta (invitation only)
Marlow Long Distance Sculls
Marlow Spring Regatta
Marlow Town Regatta
Staines Amateur Regatta
Thames: TU4 region
Holles BC
Kingston Grammar School Veterans BC
Kingston RC
Metropolitan Police RC
Molesey BC
Walbrook RC
Walton RC
Weybridge Ladies ARC
Weybridge RC
Weyfarers RC
Universities and Colleges
Surrey, University of, BC
Hampton School BC
Kingston Grammar School BC
Lady Eleanor Holles BC
St George’s College BC
Surbiton High School BC
Tiffin School BC
Tormead School RC
Wimbledon High School BC
Hampton Head (Juniors/Schools)
Hampton Small Boats Head (Juniors/Schools)
Kingston Amateur Regatta
Kingston Borough Regatta
Kingston Head
Kingston Small Boats Head
Molesey Amateur Regatta
Molesey Junior Regatta
Molesey Junior Head
Molesey Veteran Head
Teddington Head
Thames Ditton Regatta
Walton and Weybridge Regatta
Walton Small Boats Head
Weybridge Winter Head
Weybridge Ladies ARC Regatta
Weybridge Silver Sculls
Stour: Eastern region
Sudbury RC
Sudbury Regatta
Medway: TSE8 region
Maidstone Invicta RC
Kings Rochester Boat Club
Maidstone Small Boats Head
Maidstone Spring Head
Great Ouse: Eastern region
Bedford RC
Bedford Star RC
Huntingdon BC
Isle of Ely RC
St Ives RC
St Neots RC
Star Club
West Norfolk RC
Universities and Colleges
Cambridge University BC (boating location)
Bedford Girls School RC
Bedford Modern School BC
Bedford School BC
Kings School Ely, The, BC
Bedford Amateur Regatta
Bedford Autumn Small Boats Head
Bedford Eights and Fours Head
Bedford Spring Fours and Small Boats Head
Great Ouse Marathon
Isle of Ely Small Boats Head
Huntingdon Head
St Neots Regatta and Sprint
St Neots Small Boats Head
Star Club Head
Star Regatta
Nene: Eastern region
Northampton RC
Oundle Town RC
Peterborough City RC
Oundle School BC
Stowe Sculling Club
Northampton Head
Peterborough Head of the Nene
Ancholme: East Midlands region
Ancholme RC
Ancholme Head
There are currently no affiliated clubs or competitions on the Welland and Glen Navigations or the Black Sluice Navigation.
Further information about accessing EA waters is available from the EA website.
How to register your boat and purchase licences for use on EA waters
- Club Admins can log in to ClubHub here, head to the top left menu button, scroll down to the My Club area and click on the red tile called ‘Boat Register’, where a list of boats previously added to the system will be presented. If you are a new club, you will need to add your boats. To do this;
- Select ADD NEW BOAT and insert the Boat Details (boat ID which begins with a pre-set club code, 3 numbers of your choice, name and select the boat type) then click NEXT.
- To purchase licences for use on EA waters – click ADD.
- From the drop-down menus, select the required navigation waterway, the season and license type, e.g., standard or junior. Click the green tick, then click FINISH. Please ensure you are selecting the correct season.
- From here you can add another boat, edit existing boats, or pay for pending licences.
- Finally, you can select your preferred method of payment and complete your purchase.
- Once payment is received we will mark the registrations as valid with the EA.
- Once you have registered a boat you can then edit it, adding additional details if you wish.
- To edit a boat select the desired boat from your boat register then select the edit ‘pencil’ icon.
- The first ‘profile’ page allows you to edit the basic details that will already have been completed when you registered the boat.
- You can insert additional details by selecting the next icon down ‘Additional Details’ on the left hand menu bar. These details are specific to the boat itself rather than where it can be rowed.
- Finally, You can record maintenance works by selecting the third icon down ‘Boat Activity’.
How to renew existing boat registrations
- Once you have listed your boats within the Boat Register tile you can purchase EA licenses for as many of them as you like in one go.
- Club Admins can log in to ClubHub here, head to the top left menu button, scroll down to the My Club area and click on the red tile ‘Boat Register’.
- To renew existing boat registrations select BULK LICENCE PAYMENT.
- You can choose which boat or boats you want to buy licenses for by selecting the tickbox next to each boat (the tick will turn green). Please ensure you are selecting the correct season.
- The PAY button will keep a running total as you add more boats.
- Once finished select PAY and you will now be directed to the payment page, where you have the choice of payment methods.
- Once payment is received we will mark the registrations as valid with the EA.
Please be aware that any boats that are used on EA waters without a current valid EA registration will be liable for the normal penalties applied by the EA for unregistered boats.
How much do registrations cost?
Reduced price registrations can be obtained from British Rowing.
Safety and rescue boats** which meet the Environment Agency’s definition (below) are exempt from registration charges. These boats are still required to meet appropriate registration requirements.
The fees for annual registrations purchased from British Rowing for 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026 are:
EA-based Clubs: Cost per boat
- Standard Registration £34.14
- Junior Registration £10.46
- Coaching launches: £86.43
Non EA-based Clubs: Cost per boat
- Standard Registration £20.18
- Junior Registration £9.01
- Coaching launches £86.43
*Coaching Launch means a boat owned and operated by a not-for-profit organisation or charity and used solely for coaching and training during supervised boating activities aboard other boats.
**Safety or rescue boat means a boat owned and operated by an organisation or charity and used solely to carry out safety and rescue activity on the waterway for which it is registered.
These registrations can be renewed at any point within the registration year or up to 3 months in advance of the start of the registration period i.e. from 1 January.
Temporary registrations
You can buy temporary registrations for EA waters you are visiting to race.
You must have in force an insurance policy for all powered boats which covers third-party liabilities of at least one million pounds, issued by an insurer authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. The insurance must be valid for the full duration of the registration. The EA do not need a copy of the insurance certificate, but they may carry out sample checks on declarations.
Boat Safety
You must ensure all powered boats comply with the EA’s construction and equipment standards. Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) Certification is not required for open boats with outboard engines providing it:
- is not carrying or fitted with domestic cooking, heating, refrigerating or lighting appliances,
- is not fitted with other permanent electrical systems – such as a battery, navigation lights or engine start/tilt
- and it is propelled solely by an outboard engine without a fixed fuel system.
Although this type of boat is exempt, it must still comply with the relevant BSS requirements of the BSS Examination Checking Procedures for Privately Owned and Managed Boats parts 3, 4, 5 and 6 as appropriate. We strongly recommend fire extinguishers are also carried.
If the boat does not meet the above criteria, you will have to provide evidence of a private BSS certification or a copy of the Recreational Craft Directive Declaration of Conformity, if the boat is under 4 years old.
For example, if a coaching boat is fitted with ‘Permanent electrical systems’ such as electric engine start with an installed battery, even if they are ‘open boats with outboard engines’, they would require a Boat Safety Scheme Certification or Recreational Craft Directive Declaration of Conformity.
EA Boat Registration FAQs
What boats need to be registered with the EA?
A boat is defined as:
– Any vessel with or without a motor, e.g. sailing boat, river boat, canal boat or houseboat
– Any “open boat” e.g. canoe, paddleboard, rowing boat or dinghy
You must register or licence your boat if you want to keep or use it on inland waterways, e.g. rivers and canals.
How are registered boats identified?
Through the existing British Rowing boat identity scheme all boats are required to have a unique ID code identifying it. This code is made up of three letters identifying the club (the boat code allocated by British Rowing and can be found under your Club Details of your Club Profile in the ClubHub system) and three numbers (including zeros) as determined by the Club identifying the boat e.g. ABC123.
Lettering shall be in capitals, in a regular sans serif (Ariel ‘style’) font, with a minimum height of 6cm and clearly readable (in a contrasting colour) on both port and starboard bow, saxboard or vertical surface.
Overseas clubs can apply for a four letter boat identification code from us to enable them to race in their own boats on EA waters.
Who is responsible for enforcing the scheme?
The EA, with the co-operation of British Rowing. The list of registered boats, identified by their unique codes, is made available to the EA so that boats on the water can be checked to ensure they are properly registered. Random checks by the EA will be made at clubs and at regattas. Any boat that is not registered will be liable for the normal penalties applied by EA for unregistered boats.
What is the annual registration period?
The scheme runs from 1 April to 31 March annually.
How much do registrations cost?
British Rowing has negotiated a reduced price for its members. The current prices for this year can be found here.
Who is eligible to buy registrations from British Rowing?
Clubs who boat on EA waters and clubs who row on EA waters for competition, recreation or training. A map of EA waters and competitions taking place on these waters can be accessed here.
Can individuals purchase registrations from British Rowing?
Individual members who have their own boat are able to register this boat as part of their club’s application. The boat will need a unique ID code made up of the boat code (3 letters denoting the club) and the boat number (3 numbers not already allocated to another club boat) eg ABC 124
Your ClubHub admin, Secretary, Membership Secretary or Treasurer all have access to Boat Registration & Management in the ClubHub System and can also grant permission to others (eg Boatman, Captain), if needed, to allow other club members to purchase registrations for the boats.
How do clubs apply for or renew registrations?
Clubs can apply for EA boat registrations through the ClubHub System.
The individual who does this will need an online account with a username and password to be able to access this system. They must log in through the website – britishrowing.justgo.com – scroll to ‘My Club’ and click on the Boat Register tile. New boats can be added and previous registrations can be renewed before payment is made, either online via GoCardless, Stripe or by invoice. The steps to add or renew registrations can be found here.
The ClubHub admin, Secretary, Membership Secretary or Treasurer all have access to Boat Registration & Management and can also grant permission to others (eg Boatman, Captain) if needed to allow other club members to register the boats.
To find out who your Club administrators are, please email [email protected].
How do I pay for my Environment Agency (EA) boat registrations?
Once you have selected the boats you wish to add/renew on the ClubHub system you have the choice of payment methods.
“Pay via Bank” – this is a one-off payment through GoCardless.
“Pay with Card” – where payment can be made instantly by debit or credit card through stripe.
“Request Invoice” – these are created directly in ClubHub and will be sent to the email address provided, please be aware that the submitting admins details will appear on your invoice unless changed. Invoice details cannot be amended once raised.
Can clubs register boats at any time throughout the year?
Yes, boats can be registered at any point within the registration period but clubs will be required to pay the full registration fee for the year regardless of when they do this.
As an overseas crew do we need a registration if our crew is competing in, or training for, a competition on EA waters in England?
If you are competing/training in a boat on loan from a UK club you will need to confirm with the club that the relevant boat is registered.
If you are planning to bring your own boat over then you will need to purchase a licence for that boat. If you don’t already have your boat identification code (related to your club) you can apply for one from British Rowing by emailing [email protected].
Then you can either organise an annual registration for your boat through British Rowing as a non-EA based club or you can apply for a temporary registration from the EA itself.
Why would a club need a temporary registration?
Temporary registrations are for non-EA based clubs who may only compete on EA waters as a one-off. If you compete more often it is better to register your boats through British Rowing as a non-EA based club.
Temporary registrations are available for 7 consecutive days or 31 consecutive days and can only be purchased directly from the EA.
The EA can be contacted on 03708 506 506 or via [email protected].
What registration do I buy if a boat is to be used by juniors and seniors?
You will need to buy a standard registration. The junior registration is only available for boats used exclusively by juniors (with the exception of coxswains).
When I sell a registered boat do I retain the registration?
Yes, when a boat is sold you must remove the boat identification label and the purchaser will need to obtain a new registration for that boat using their club’s boat code. You are able to use the identification code of the sold boat on a replacement boat within your club.
Where can I get Boat Identification Stickers made?
NickoSticko can provide these. Other suppliers are also available; remember to request ‘marine vinyl’.
What are the insurance and boat safety requirements for powered safety or coaching launches?
Full details of all insurance and boat safety requirements are available at https://www.gov.uk/register-a-boat.
If you have any further questions please contact the Membership team: clubs@britishrowing.org.