National Umpiring Committee Vacancy

Remit of the NUC

Working in collaboration with the Sport Committee and British Rowing staff to deliver a national umpiring structure to cater for a broad range of competitions at multiple levels and flexible formats to encourage an increase in participation for both competitors and umpires. The committee is formed of members, chairs of regional umpiring committees and other relevant committees.

The individual elected will be expected to take on a specific role within the committee supporting the development, monitoring and analysis of umpiring. The NUC meet a minimum of once a year with occasional email and conference call discussions also taking place as necessary. Within the specific role you will be needed to represent the NUC and its interests on other British Rowing committees at meetings throughout the year. This is a volunteer position though out of pocket expenses can be reimbursed in line with the British Rowing Expenses Policy.

The specific role that needs to be filled is: National Umpiring Committee Chair

a. Accountable to Sport Committee

b. Establish and maintain links with the events, commercial and umpire volunteer sector
of British Rowing.

c. Sitting member of relevant committees, NCC, MLUP and Sport Committee,

d. Liaison as required with Board members, other National Governing Bodies, Sport & Recreation Alliance and other similar bodies.

e. To promote and direct both NUC and relevant teams within British Rowing in its role to meet its primary objectives.

f. To chair relevant meetings ensuring that discussions are held in a fair and effective manner and that the decisions reached are democratic and are in the best interests of NUC and British Rowing.

g. Time to commit to the role (Varies depending on time of year but equates to 1 hour a week)

Selection Criteria

  1. Qualified Umpire
  2. An interest in representing umpiring at a national level as well as regionally
  3. Have an interest in the development of the umpiring pathway
  4. A basic understanding of the challenges of recruiting umpires
  5. Demonstrate good communication and IT skills
  6. Be able and willing to be flexible in the amount of time given to the role as this varies depending on the time of year and current priorities.
  7. Bring a useful alternative perspective or lateral experience related to the work of the committee.
  8. A proven track record of successful leadership
  9. Experience of chairing or attending structured meetings
  10. Ability to act as spokesperson and figurehead of the organisation.

Equal Opportunities: British Rowing is committed to equal opportunities for all staff, volunteers and athletes. Applications from individuals are encouraged regardless of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and marriage and civil partnerships.

To apply: If you are interested in the role, please email a covering letter and appropriate list of skills and experience to Sam Simons at [email protected].

Application Dates: From Tuesday 31st January 2023 to Tuesday 28th February 2023

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