Merton College Boat Club – Women’s and/or Men’s Head Coach(es)

Merton College Boat Club (‘MCBC’) is looking for an experienced and passionate Head Coach (or Coaches!) for our Women’s and Men’s first boats. Our M1 currently sits at 8th on the river in Division I in Torpids and 6th in Division II in Summer Eights. Our W1 sits at 9th in Division III in Torpids and 4th in Division III in Summer Eights, and is proud to be racing in our brand-new Filippi shell ‘Irene Tracey’, named after the University’s Vice-Chancellor and previous Warden of Merton.

We would be happy to hire either one candidate or two separate candidates for the roles of coaching the Men’s and Women’s sides, depending on compatibility and availability.

We are especially keen to have someone who can commit to multiple years with the club, to help our crews grow towards long-term goals and to continue to foster the positive environment on which MCBC prides itself.

Job description:

  • Water training: coaching on the water 3 mornings per side per week at Godstow, from a launch. In Michaelmas Term, the coach would be expected to train a rotation of all MCBC senior rowers (not just the first boat) at Godstow, whilst novice rowers train separately on the Isis. In Hilary and Trinity terms, this coaching is reserved for the first boat.
  • Erg training: creating erg training programmes (which will then be coached by the captains and vice-captains) for the entirety of the side(s) they are coaching.
  • Fitness training: helping the captain to create a fitness training plan during term and vacation time.
  • Individual feedback.
  • Helping Captains with crew selection and creating plans for rower development.
  • Possibly coaching ergs/tank sessions and bank riding during regatta weeks.
  • Helping to create and maintain a positive at t i t ude towards training, improvement and racing.

Required Criteria:

  • Experienced rowing and/or coaching at a competitive level.
  • Previous coaching experience, including preferably from a launch.
  • Knowledge and/or experience of coxing and appropriate coxing guidance.
  • Good understanding of boat rigging and equipment
  • Enthusiasm for coaching and rower development.

Desirable Criteria:

  • Understanding of Oxford College Rowing system and culture.
  • British Rowing (or similar) coaching qualifications.
  • Interest at coaching on Easter vacation training camp (possibly abroad)

If interested, please send a CV and short cover letter detailing the role(s) you are interested in to [email protected] and/or [email protected] (depending on role).

Salary: Pay will be competitive and negotiable depending on experience and commitment.

Application Dates: From Monday 19th June 2023 to Thursday 31st August 2023

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