UKCC Level 2 Rowing (Sliding Seat), Kent

Venue:  TBC.  For Kent and Sussex clubs.  

Dates and times: Sat 16th, Sun 17th, Sat 23rd, Sun 24th April.  09.00-17.00 daily.  

Cost: £425.00 BR Members


The course is aimed at beginner coaches to give them the skills and confidence to coach a series of linked rowing sessions. Learners will develop an understanding of delivering British Rowing technique in a safe and effective manner, and will learn how to plan, structure, deliver and review rowing coaching sessions. 


This course is still in the planning stage.

Course Information


24th Apr 2016, 7th May 2016, 14th May 2016, 15th May 2016

Closing Date:

3rd Mar 2016



This course is still in the planning stage.