Lancaster University – Volunteer Part-time Coach

We are looking for a volunteer part-time coach for our Senior Women’s squad. The squad is currently made up of around 30 women all with varied levels of experience in the sport. Our main races of the academic year for the whole squad are Roses (a varsity race against York University) and BUCS. Next year we hope to also send a crew to Henley Women’s Regatta, after this years’ success.

For the first time in 13 years we sent a 4+ to Henley Women’s Regatta this year which did exceedingly well, making it to the Final of the Frank V Harry Cup. This is the first time a Lancaster Crew has made it passed Quarter Finals, proving how the club, especially the women’s squad, is currently making huge progress and is now starting to be competitive with much larger and more well established clubs.

The main roles of the position would be to coach water sessions and assist the Senior Women’s Captain in making training plans for on and off the water, and crew selections.

In previous years the women’s squad have not had a consistent coach but have still managed to perform well regardless, improving year on year. We hope to further enhance this development through the support of an in-person coach, to work on technique and power within the boat.

An ideal candidate would have a level 2 coaching qualification or higher. It is vital any coach has the athletes health and well-being as a priority, and is able to communicate effectively with the Senior Women’s Captain and the squad as a whole.

The role is currently only a volunteer one, however there is some flexibility and travel costs will be covered.

Any applications will be gratefully received. Please email [email protected] to get in contact.

Application Dates: From Friday 23rd June 2023 to Sunday 23rd July 2023

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