University of Warwick Boat Club – Paid Part Time Novice Coach

The University of Warwick Boat Club (UWBC) is seeking a dedicated part time Novice Coach to work alongside an elected executive committee to oversee the selection, induction, development and progression of our novice men and women’s squads.

The role offers an individual the opportunity to form and coach two squads of novice rowers who are recruited by our members during Welcome Week at Warwick. The Novice Coach is responsible for the selection, training and development of both squads. Novices have water sessions on Saturdays and Sundays (various timings). Erg sessions take place throughout the week. Whilst our senior squads are provided an S&C programme by Warwick Sport, our Novices are encouraged to also take up strength training which this year has been overseen by our novice captains. The Novice squads have a big focus on injury prevention, mobility, and overall athletic health as they begin their journey in rowing.

Applicants must understand that we are a student led club, with an executive committee of seventeen individuals. Applicants are expected to work tightly with Squad Captains, communicate regularly with the squads through whatsapp and facebook, provide constructive feedback, and push our athletes to allow them to develop individually and as a collective. We require the applicant to work closely with a senior coach and/or volunteer coaches to ensure the novices are learning the same style of rowing that will be expected of them as they progress into the senior squads. This is so the whole club adopts the same expectations of each other and ensures continuity.

Club Summary
The University of Warwick is a world renowned institution with UWBC being one of the largest student led sports clubs on campus with a Senior Men and Women’s squad, active Novice programme and Recreational squad, new for 2023/24.

UWBC is a very successful club with a desire to become a consistently high performing club, producing impressive results at major competitions. The club is supported by Warwick Sport and the Student’s Union.


● Boathouse owned by Warwick Sport and home to a good fleet of boats, including latest additions of a brand new Filippi and second hand Wintech for our men and women’s squads respectively.
● Almost 100% exclusive access to a 2.5km stretch of the river Avon
● Access to Warwick Sport’s rowing studio at the Sports and Wellness Hub with Concept 2 ergs
● Access to Warwick Sport’s gym where S&C takes place

UWBC’s latest results

● Win for Senior Women at Quintin Head 2023 and Senior Men placing 77th out of 300
● Course record at WEHoRR 2023 (starting 177th and finishing 55th)
● Novice Men 8+ placing 3rd in Beginner Academic category at HoRR 2023
● Novice Men 4+ placing 3rd in A final BUCS Regatta 2023
● Overall placing of 25th at BUCS Regatta 2023
● Senior Women 4+ placing 3rd in C final at Metropolitan Regatta 2023 3rd
● Several wins at Nottingham City Regatta 2023 from Senior Men 4+, Senior Women 4+ and Novice Women 8+.
● Senior Men 4+ placing 3rd in A final at Marlow Regatta 2023

Breakdown of hours

● Approximately 8 – 12 hours per week water session coaching (3 lots of two hour sessions per squad)
● Any erg sessions the applicant chooses to attend.
● Admin hours: planning training, communicating with captains, monitoring results
● Christmas and Easter Camp – usually 5 day camps with approximately 5 hours of water coaching per day
● Preseason: two weeks before the start of Term 1 – approximately 5 hours of water coaching per day

Please note, the applicant will be paid for all water session coaching, including training camps, whilst erg sessions is voluntary time. It is desirable for a novice coach to attend erg sessions, particularly in Term 1 whilst the rowers are learning correct technique and erg discipline.

Expectations and Support

● Design land and water programmes for Novice squads, taking club aspirations to bea high performing club into account.
● Attend all water sessions.
● Cooperate with all executive members in their respective roles to ensure a smooth running of the club

● Use social media channels (WhatsApp and Facebook) to regularly communicate with squads. For example, uploading weekly training to squad Facebook pages.
● Work closely with the Senior Coach/team to ensure continuity for our rowers.
● First Aid Qualification
● Full, clean driving license
● Cooperate with university structures such as Warwick Sport and the Student’s Union
● ** Applicants with a tow bar and ability to trailer are desirable Support Structures:
● Novice Captains are responsible for daily organisation and pastoral care of senior members, allowing the coach to focus on training. They will work closely alongside the Novice Coach to ensure that every rower is well looked after and training to their potential.
● Assistance from Senior Coach
● Assistance from a united executive committee including President, Club Captain, Secretary and Treasurer as well as other supporting roles.

Employability Disclaimer
This role is a self employed opportunity and thus, an applicant will only be contracted on a self employed basis. To be a registered self employed coach at the University of Warwick, you are asked to submit the following information:
1. Public liability insurance
2. A completed Coaching Pack (this will be sent to a successful applicant)
3. 2 coaching references
4. Invoices on a monthly basis

Sound exciting? Here’s what to do next

Please send an email to [email protected] registering your interest stating why you are interested in this position. Please attach a copy of your CV. Please do this before 9pm 30th September 2023.

Interviews will begin week commencing 14th August 2023 and the successful applicant will be in position and ready to start by 11th September 2023. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to visit our facilities before preseason should they wish to.

Key Dates

Preseason (2 weeks): 18th September 2023 – 30th September 2023
Autumn Term (10 weeks): 2nd October 2023 – 9th December 2023
Spring Term: (10 weeks): 8 January 2024 – 16 March 2024
Summer Term (10 weeks): 22nd April 2024 – Saturday 29 June 2024
** Christmas and Easter Camps either take place in Week 11 or Week 0.

Salary: Hourly Rate: Negotiable depending on experience.

Type: Part Time

Application Dates: From Tuesday 8th August 2023 to Saturday 30th September 2023

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