Sir William Perkins’s School – Gap Year Rowing Coach

One (or more) Gap Year Rowing Coach(es) will perform an exciting role in the continued development of Sir William Perkins’s School Boat Club. The role(s) may be a first opportunity for those with a strong passion for, and understanding of the sport to develop their coaching skills, working predominantly with the younger rowers of the club.

A keen eye for detail and care over properly executing tasks (for both the post holder and the pupils under their watch) are essential, as is an awareness of the safety and wellbeing of the students at all times before, during and after sessions.

The Boat Club is on an exciting trajectory, with excellent backing from the pupil and parent body, as well as strong support and investment from the school. Whilst the majority of the responsibilities for the role centre around ensuring an excellent start to our rowers’ journey through Year 8 to Year 10, there is a fantastic culture of communication and integration of all coaches into the weekly goings-on of the whole club, and all coaches are a part of each and every success registered across age-groups.

There will be opportunities to develop the post-holder’s coaching by working with crews at both local and major national events, and the chance to be immersed in a developing school boat club with high-aims should be a major motivating factor. The post-holder will be on a one year fixed-term variable hours/annualised hours contract with a flexible working schedule through the season due to varying demands on, and availability of the whole coaching team.

How to apply

Please complete the online application form available at SWPS Career Site.

Closing date for applications is Sunday 3 September at 09:00

Early applications are encouraged as the School reserves the right to interview and appoint before the closing date.

About us

Sir William Perkins’s School is a high-performing, academically selective, independent girls’ school for approximately 600 students aged 11 – 18 years. The Head is both a member of HMC and GSA. It is located on an attractive 12- acre site situated on the outskirts of Chertsey, a two-minute walk from the railway station and very near to the junction of the M3 and M25.

Sir William Perkins’s School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Applicants must undergo child protection screening, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.


Salary: £13 an hour

Type: Fixed Term (one year), Variable Hours/Annualised Hours

Application Dates: From Tuesday 15th August 2023 to Sunday 3rd September 2023

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